The Original Lie Oprah the New Age Christian

3 years ago

Oprah, and The Occult
Video by former New Age Teacher Steven Bancarz at Reasons for Jesus.

She claims to be a Free Thinking Christian. She claims that there are millions of ways to God. She has believed the original lie. The Rapture of the Church could come and 100's of millions will believe a lie.

“Millions of ways…”Oprah Winfrey

She claims to be a Christian. She claims that there are millions of ways to God. She has believed the original lie.

Rob Bell, Oprah, New Age, Promotions, Oprah boasts that when she was in a Baptist church she heard that God is a jealous God. She thought that God was jealous of her? Yeah! Talk about ego! What the preacher meant is that God is jealous of those who are His with Godly (righteous) jealousy. He won’t share us (His bride) with millions of other false gods. That is spiritual whoredom to the extreme. God always uses the whore to depict God's people going after other strange gods like an unfaithful wife.

Did you Know: Rat poison is 99.995% nutritious?

It has only .005% of the lethal trace of poison. Scary for the rat, but the teachings of the New Age are far more lethal to the hungry souls longing for fellowship with our Creator. That is what the whole of life is to know Him who loved us and gave Himself for us… He (God) is the great I AM as revealed in scripture.

ECKHART TOLLE is now a Greek scholar???

Below are excerpts from his book and classes he offers. Funny how they throw around a few phrases and en-lighted words a who-la a master is born. Some call him “Master”. Below like most modern gurus they don’t understand and are blind guides, wells without water, and damned as they blaspheme the very God who bought them. Instead, they have entered into the broad gate and teach people they can be gods. Note: How many of these so-called teachers use the phrase “I AM”… That was the name God, the God of the bible said to Moses from the burning bush.

"And Moses said unto God, Behold, [when] I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What [is] his name? what shall I say unto them? And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you." Exodus 3

#newage #occult #oprah #strangefire

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