Cat Pawing a Tree Trunk

3 years ago

Cats don’t naturally know they need to back off a tree trunk, and their claws really only allow them traction one way.

Excerpt from the book, “Animal Lover: 1 womans fantastic journey to uncover the spiritual purpose of pets”

Each summer, I held a survival school for kittens. Classes included: climbing trees, being lost in the weeds and space flight (which consisted of spinning 360 degrees in a clothespin bag attached to the clothesline). I learned that cats always climb up trees, not down, going as high as was comfortable, then panic; crying loudly. Many kittens stay where they had been placed (this makes sense when you consider that when a kitten’s mother puts them somewhere she expects them to stay until she returns).

I had to stop trying to “teach” the kittens how to climb trees. They would not be able to get down, and I would have to get my father to get the kitten out of the tree. After 5 kittens, my Dad figured out what was going on. He told me to stop.

The point of the story is that not 1 kitten figured out how to get down themselves.

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