Batman (The 1989 Film, The Animated Series & Rise of SIN TZU) Theme Mix [TRIMMED]

3 years ago

The Main Intro for Batman: The Animated Series is the opening sequence of the show for the entire First Season. It lasts for over a minute and is one of the most recognizable elements of the series.
It was also used as the intro for The New Batman Adventures.
Based on the 1991 Promo Test Reel, the main intro features a similar sequence, accompanied with a musical theme composed by @Danny Elfman , based on the main theme of the Batman film from 1989.
This video contain the 1989 film's full theme, the animated series credits theme and Batman: Rise of Sin Tzu theme all mixed together as one song. There's also a short piece of a guitar cover at the end by @Niall Stenson -

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All rights go to WMG & The Orchard Music on behalf of: Concept Music

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