20220103 - Liberty Minute

3 years ago

I'm Peter Serefine and this is the Liberty Minute for Monday, day 659 of 15 days to slow the spread of Covid-1984.
An outbreak of 52 cases of the Wuhan Flu on a cruise ship has ruined vacations. Everyone onboard over 12, crew and passengers, was fully vaccinated and took PCR tests before departure, yet 52 members of the staff still caught Covid. Once again proving, mankind cannot control a virus.
Fauci says that the CDC may add a negative covid test to the quarantine guidelines, you know, because that works so well for the cruise industry.
My personal Wuhan Flu update, I felt like I had a cold for about three days. I'm better now, thank you for all of the prayers and well wishes.
Check out the brand new political news feed page at Liberty-Lighthouse.com
Until tomorrow, protect your liberties. Once they're gone there's no getting them back.

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