Joe Rogan #1757 (7 of 9) Dr. Robert Malone, "Hopefully, we'll be able to stop them before they take our kids..."

3 years ago

Joe Rogan #1757 (7 of 9) Dr. Robert Malone, "Hopefully, we'll be able to stop them before they take our kids..."

With administering a mismatched vaccine, we're driving the effective memory cells, B & T [ie. our innate immune system] toward a virus that no longer exists...

The reproductive coefficient (R0) of the original strain is 2 to 3...for Delta R0 is 5 to 6 ... for Omicron it's 7 to 10... That is wicked high...measles territory...
We're all going to be infected...

This gets to a key point...find a doc that will administer early treatments... and you know what they are... [ie. HCQ or IVM]

Our government is out of control on this... and they are lawless... they completely disregard bioethics... they've broken all the rules that I know of...

These mandates of an experimental vaccine are explicitly illegal...they are explicitly inconsistent with the Nuremberg Code, they are explicitly inconsistent with the Belmont Report, they are flat out illegal and they don't care...

Hopefully we'll be able to stop them before they take our kids...

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