Joe Rogan #1757 (6 of 9) Dr. Robert Malone, "This is another one of those huge FDA fails..."

3 years ago

Joe Rogan #1757 (6 of 9) Dr. Robert Malone, "This is another one of those huge FDA fails..."

It's was Pharma's job to prove that the synthesized spike protein was safe... they did not do that... A toxin is as a toxin does...

The big picture issues have not been adequately addressed...

And if you try to address them as an academic, you get run out...

CDC never talks about it... latent DNA virus activation... Shingles... Herpes... CMV... unusual Cancers...

Something is happening... changes in T-cell signaling behavior...

The multiple jab strategy is causing T-cell suppression... This is the obscenity for me...

There are multiple reasons not to do multiple jabs...that are mismatched to the current virus...

There are signs of negative efficacy towards Omicron due to multiple jabs...

This is a risk which the FDA knew about, explicitly identified, told the vaccine manufacturers they should set up studies to detect whether or not it is happening, but didn't force them to do it. This is another one of the huge FDA fails...

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