We The People NH Freedom Rally [Concord, NH Jan 1, 2022] Part I of II

3 years ago

Concord, New Hampshire
January 1, 2022

Terese Grinnell, nurse turned freedom fighter, hosted a moving gathering of New Hampshire's growing resistance movement to the encroaching tyranny emanating from Concord under the leadership of corrupt Governor Chris Sununu. Numerous groups were present standing in solidarity for liberty.

This is unedited video of the entire event. Unfortunately, I had to turn this into two parts in order to comply with Rumble's file limit. In part two we lead off with Dave Lheureux whose stand at Dartmouth Hitchcock Hospital led to Terese Grinnell standing at Concord Hospital.


Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/93sBO1Q_mfY2OTgx

Video by Jason Gerhard


"Learn the truth about the federal income tax! The average American is not liable for it."

We can't keep paying these corrupt SOBs and expect anything to change. Starve the beast.

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