"Nothing stands now between you and your loving Friend" Christmas 2 2022

3 years ago

You see how the devil and the world are enemies of the little baby Jesus and His kingdom. They strenuously fight against Him, even as He is a small child. They seek perennially to smother, oppress, and wipe out His Word and work. There will be no lack of sin and trouble in this life because you are a Christian. Your flesh will tempt you daily to great shame and vice. The fallen world will seek to tear down you and especially your faith through persecution and other sufferings. The devil will also be nipping at your heels day and night with his lying and murdering so that you have no peace within or without. Just as Christ himself was tormented in this way, so will you also.

While God permits this affliction, He never loses control. Things never get out of hand. Herod’s treachery had its end. God limits evil. He always does. He promises that will never be tempted more than you are able to withstand. He promises to provide you with every strength you need for the carefully measured load. He permits. He promises to bring an end to it in good time. His omnipotent hand is in complete control.

Join the congregation of St. John in prayer each day and for Divine Service, each Sunday at 9:30 am, Wednesdays at 7:00 pm, and on festival days, where God serves us with His gifts of forgiveness, life, and salvation.

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