Our Emotions Lesson 1 - How to Handle Anger

3 years ago

Our Emotions Study Guide:

Course Description:
Part of the discipleship process is learning how to deal with the whole range of our emotions. Our perspective is so often distorted by the sinfulness of our flesh and the world around us. This is especially true when our emotions become explosive. They can seemingly come upon us with little warning and we are often confused as to what we are to do with them. Is there a way to handle anger, fear, jealousy and envy, bitterness, lust, or pride in a Godly manner? Do the Scriptures speak to this and is there a way to experience the joy of our emotions and still know how and when to curb the negative side of these things with proper balance?

During this six-week study we will ask these questions as we sit under the Word of God. We will seek the Lord’s answers looking to understand how we are empowered to live as he intends for us to live, to the praise of his glory.

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