ag reads article about why being a luddite makes more sense

3 years ago

ag vs. society
hey what was that joke i made in an earlier video
used to check my phone every 10min hoping to receive a msg from dd
i need all my stones+orgonite pyramid
my house is a total mess, fuckin duh provided this interesting article
the only people shocked by this should kill themselves
actually this article is false
i gave consideration to george orwell
and this is why they think i have asbergers
IF there are people that MIGHT be CONSIDERED to be ACTUAL PHONE ADDICTS
watch paisely strut her sexy ass up the stairs
this science is apparently inconclusive but...
sorry if i annoy you, can't help it
these people need to be clockwork oranged
...but what is gender?
equality does exist somewhere i guess
women more likely to use social media, wait whaaaaaaat?
promising info for our future
communication breakdown
this kid couldn't handle any kinda responsibility
devil's children deserve to be taken out
that's a cool shot, there is a window in my mind
i sound a little eugenical margie sanger but...
this is more of a parenting problem
i dunno when this article was written but sumin tells me that these people are lying
why not make $ off these losers
and they ain't even talking about all those towers
you can get unlimited data, another issue
why did my parents give me this demonic advice?
give yer kid a phone, pretend you had an abortion!
they don't care if we all turn into robots
this kid ain't self-aware so he doesn't know
borderline personality disorder to a T
what kinda article is this
attachment and control, bdpd
don't call me a luddite or i will act like one
useless people shouldn't have self-esteem
"suffering" thru the "loss" of their phone
maybe those towers aren't such a bad idea
we know the feeling of losing a bag of drugs
hobbling thru the snow w/ sprained ankle looking for a pack of cigs for over an hour (but drunk so it was fine)
why people think they have to watch porn
and this is why i am totally hopeless about society
i called this shit a while back
not true! smokers didn't give a shit
not everybody wants to breathe in cigarette smoke
there should be a stigma surrounding addiction
phantom vibration syndrome, interesting
honestly i experience this whenever i text anyone
not just making people depressed but also hallucinate
fomo again, way different than my reason
i don't think i'm that important, i just wanted a bag of drugs
smartphone juxtaposed w/ social media
i didn't mean to lie to you vortex
sleep disorder...more pills
regular ass tv has this effect as well
they encouraged addiction
a disorder that needs pills, right?
in depth study involves looking around
phenomenon, hahahaha
smartphone addicts are junkies
paisley got fed up
visualize EVERYBODY chain-smoking EVERYWHERE YOU GO
i understand addiction/mental illness very very well
america is one giant mental institution
the sicker americans, the more $ they can make
the bob marley ain't even helping
i spy: birdie flying around
plants, finally
lived in this house for 7yrs w.out plants in that window sill
free mason symbol/international symbol of recovery
i practiced the program once i left 12 step meetings
no hope for society considering...
if only they found security in God
society is encouraging false reality
the damage has been done and it is irreparable
they're ALL leftist lunatics, this is why we do anarchy
point out my hypocrsisy, plz do it
i'd love to talk about why i'm a piece a shit
loved that fourth step, personal inventory all day

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