Sermon: A Fresh Start - Pastor Jason Bishop

3 years ago

Need a fresh start? What can the Bible teach us? Watch the video to find out.

Elijah - Sufferd burnout.
1 Kings 19:3-10
He felt like he was the only one left. Did everything the Lord asked and yet his life was at risk.
Are you running on your own energy or are you relying on God to be fed.

Peter - Had many failures.
Mark 8:33 - Jesus said get behind Satan
John 13:8-9 - Peter told the Lord that Jesus would never wash his feet.
Peter denied Jesus 3 times
Galatians 2:11-13 - Paul had to correct Peter.

David - Had sin in his life
2 Samual 11:2-17 - Took another man's wife.
David's one sin leads to other sins.
Sent Uriah to the front lines so he would be killed and to hide his own sins.
More men than just Uriah we killed in battle due to David's retreat order.

The prophet Nathan addressed David's sin
2 Samual 12 - Nathan tells David he took what wasn't his.
Psalm 51:10 - David's response

Prodigal Son
He wanted an advance on his inheritance. Lived it up and spent his money on worldly pleasures
Luke 15:17

How does the Lord respond when we need come back and need a fresh start?
Hebrews 8:12
Act 10:43
1 John 2:12

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