Cafe owner tells officers to leave now…

3 years ago

The Vintage Apron Capalaba Central 29 December 2021. Police attend the coffee shop after being requested there by the centre management for the owner allegedly breaching chief health officers directions.

Pierre the owner for the last few weeks has been hassled a lot by Centre Management for putting up signs saying that he doesn't discriminate and doesn't have the right to ask for vaccine passport etcetera. He has been threatened with non-renewal of his lease etc.

You can call Capalaba Central on (07) 3245 8888 Brisbane and do some venting so that these pig-luciferic-run management companies hear from the those who they are supposed to be serving.

Centre management need to pull their heads in and do their job and not become COVID Nazis

We love Vintage Apron even more for standing up to this tyranny.

I know where I'm going for lunch and coffee now. Good on you for standing up. I think this policeman is on the verge of being "converted", you can see it in his eyes.

If their centre mangaement is not careful, they can legally be taken to court for trying to coerce, force or engage in illegal mandates of any kind, including the 'irreversible, Invasive, medical porcedure, business owners can be hit with a $360,000 fine or 5 years jail for refusing anyone service, that includes the Centre management owners. Good on the cafe manager for standing his grounds, there is a fine line when business owners say they're private & can refuse to serve, they can't legally, once we open our doors to the public, it becomes a public place, so a HUGE TY to the Cafe Owner & individuals in they're for standing up for their legal rights. As I said, look at the De Cline fb page.

The centre management get their news from television PROGRAMMING

The police officers need to know the law, maybe they will learn and turn it around and charge the corporate government with coercion and tyranny.

That should tell you all you need to know about what is coming. I also suggest you look into who we're the 1st ti be taken to camps, and it wasn't Jews. The rest of the German population were convinced by Hitler that Jews were filthy/disease carrying, and a threat to the health of other Germans.

Vaccine Injuries

The Vaccines are the Mark of the Beast

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