Dr. McCullough - Vaxes Not Safe For Human Use, 3754

2 years ago


Good evening, I’m still reporting on the forced vaxx cabal.

First of all, our apologies go out to Dr. Robert Malone, whom I called Richard Malone yesterday.

This is the last 19 minutes of a 2-hour interview with Dr. Peter McCullough who laid it on the line like he never has before - namely that the vaxes, although they do offer a slight advantage against death in the older age groups, still have so many side effects that they cannot be deemed safe for any age group. And this was one of Dr. McCullough’s jobs for the federal government.

The main problem at this point is that the vaxx - and especially the boosters - stimulate the body to create more and more spike proteins. And it takes the human body approximately one year to clean out those spike proteins, but now Dr. Grouchy has proclaimed that boosters may be needed every 3 months, which will pretty much guarantee that everyone on this bandwagon of vaxxes followed by booster after booster will ultimately succumb to the effects of the internal spike proteins.

Dr. McCullough also slams the Australian government for locking it’s unvaxed population in essentially concentration camps and urges the world to stand firm against this worldwide vaxx cabal.

He also says that the latest studies have shown that COVID can be eradicated in about 90% of cases if at the first sign of symptoms the patients start sniffing dilute solutions of colloidal silver, iodine, or hydrogen peroxide.

If you catch the virus in the sinus before it goes into the rest of the body, it can be stopped cold right there and patients would have no need of hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin, or monoclonal antibodies, much less the harsher treatments that have led to so much suffering and death.

Yes, it’s a simple, the virus can must start in the sinus passage. If you can catch it there, you can kill it.

This is an amazing interview and we thank Alex Jones for making it copyright free and urging everyone to copy it or cut it up - as I will do - and put it out there. Why? Because this vaxx cabal is trying to kill off 80% of all of the human race and destroy civilization in doing so in a misguided, evil depopulation plot.

I know it sounds wildly conspiratorial, but I’ve finally come around to believing that this is the real goal of what Dr. McCullough himself calls “the cabal.”

Unless something else comes up, I’ll be presenting the best portions of this interview in coming days. Stay tuned.

I’m still reporting from the citadel of world freedom. Good day!

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