Legendary Lee Canady: Last To See Eddie Jefferson Alive? - Norman Whitfield Used Pigeons In Hit Song

3 years ago

Eddie Jefferson's last night on earth began at Lee's Monroe Music

Norman Whitfield & Barrett Strong of The Temptations loved Lee
Norman sought Lee's opinions, & Barrett was Lee's pal
Eddie inexplicably knew Lee's store & knew to seek Lee's help
Hours after Eddie exited Lee's, Eddie was a dead man——murdered!

"Three may keep a secret if two of them are dead."
— Benjamin Franklin: Poor Richard's Almanack

"The Sphere of Imagination includes both Actuality and Possibility, not only what is but what may be."
— John Adams: Spring 1759

Moral of the story: get a manager (or a better manager)!


We know now that on Tuesday, May 8, 1979, at about 1:35 A.M., a disgruntled dancer for "vocalese"-inventor, Eddie Jefferson (Eddie had recently fired the dancer from one of his shows), allegedly sped up in a late-model Lincoln Continental and rained lead on the poor, sixty-year-old Eddie Jefferson as he exited the club, Baker's Keyboard Lounge, where he had just sung a set in Detroit. Eddie's fellow bandleader, saxophonist, Richie Cole, who was walking out of the door next to Eddie was not shot. :—:— The date was Monday, May 7th, 1979, when Eddie strolled into Lee's record shop with an odd familiarity as if Eddie had been to Lee's Monroe Music plenty of times before, though Lee (a busy man himself) never remembered seeing Eddie prior to that Monday. Eddie told Lee that he had just come in from Chicago and was trying to find his way to his own group's Detroit gig that night. Lee told him how many city blocks to walk and which two buses to catch in order to arrive at the concert. Eddie was thankful for the guidance, and Lee was welcomed to attend. Lee wanted to see Eddie Jefferson sing that night, but Lee thought better of seeing Eddie that night, and only hours hence, Eddie would be dead from gunshot wounds.


Saturday, December 18th, 2021 :— Detroit Street Photography Session number 234 :— “Lee Canady: Arbor For Artists” :—:— I focus on two tales in this write-up but the names and times had abound and bound off Lee's lips in this whirlwind of when well-to-do's sought Lee's point of view. :—:— I talked to Lee, and we hope to reshoot this story with more details (as outlined in this write-up). This clip comes from a two-hours-plus interview on anything and everything.

Hey, if you favor raconteurs, meet the veriest best raconteur:


#Detroit #Michigan #History #Music #Motown


Even if you are a land whale, these cookies are at least healthier than their store-bought rivals, and these offer equal parts variety; creativity; and thrift (yes, thrift for our tightened budget bear of a debt-bedecked-behemoth-of-an-albatross-above-us times):


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If you want to be considered as a true fan, drop a comment below, giving your name and town and the kind of reaction you had to this program. Share your love for the Legendary Lee Canady with all your family and friends.

Thank you for watching this facet-filled gem of an escape into Lee's Monroe Music with the Legendary Lee Canady himself guiding your gaze from legend to legend. Be at once Good & True & Beautiful (somehow). I will pray for America. Please pray for me. God Bless you.

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