2 years ago

The Superman or Overman

Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy has had a tremendous influence on modern culture. Nietzsche was a German philosopher who was born in 1844 and died in 1900. He is perhaps most well known for his 1883 book, Thus Spoke Zarathustra where he discusses the Übermensch or "Superman" concept. The Superman is not super-human, but rather someone who has achieved human potential and can no longer be considered "human". He or she is so great that they have transcended their mortality, their state of being human.

Nietzsche's concept of the Übermensch (German for "overman" or "superman") is stated most clearly in Thus Spoke Zarathustra, composed in four parts between 1883 and 1885. The Übermensch represents humanity's future and the completion of its current state; it comes into being by overcoming one's current limitations and becoming more than one currently is. Nietzsche describes this process as self-overcoming.

This idea can be traced back to Homer's Iliad, where Achilles' great warrior strength is contrasted with his mortality. Achilles' death is inevitable, but he can avoid it if he stays away from battle. As a result, he chooses to fight because it allows him to transcend his humanity.

The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900) developed the concept of the Übermensch as a cultural and literary archetype who embodies the strengths and talents of humanity at its best, rather than as an individual who was above moral law like God was traditionally conceived.

Some interpretations regard the term as Nietzsche's literal translation of the Latin phrase superman, while others claim that it was an expression used by the first Christians to describe themselves. Nietzsche held that modern culture had lost sight of what true human greatness could be and substituted it with ideals based on weak human qualities such as pity, sympathy,

The concept of the Superman actually has little to do with physical strength (although strength or power may play a role), but instead deals more with an individual's mental capacity and will power. The Superman is the person who has harnessed their ego and desires enough to gain control of them and use them for something greater than themselves.

The Superman is the highest and most complete embodiment of human potential. And Nietzsche argues that this superman is the "meaning of the earth." It is only in the presence of such a being that we feel as though our lives are worthwhile. This fascinating, almost egotistical concept introduces us to Nietzsche’s theories on nihilism and the relation between man and nature. As implied by its extroverted form, it also values external forces over internal ones. The Superman is a reflection of humanity, but in a highly idealized state.

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