2 years ago

Nietzsche's main idea: To be oneself is the meaning of oneness's existence. In his book "Also Sprach Zarathustra," he expresses this idea as a monologue. This takes place in a forest where Zarathustra is meeting with animals and telling them his ideas. Each of the animals represents some sort of human belief, like tradition, truth and other similar things. Nietzsche basically says to free yourself from these limiting beliefs and instead be free to do what you want and experience the world for all its worth.

Nietzsche was a psychologist who believed the self-overcoming and creativity of the individual is what gives life meaning. He believed that a person must be true to oneself and their will in order to create a meaningful identity. If a person did not, there is nothing else that could give meaning to their existence, as every other thing in life -- money, fame, relationships -- was all external and fleeting. A person must be true to themselves.

Nietzsche wrote, “I do not want to be any model or example. I dare to be myself. I seek for myself. There is an immense amount of freedom'' (Human, All Too Human, 112; orig. German, 418). In Human, All Too Human he was also full of praise for “the doer who does” as opposed to the “dreamer…who dreams about doing much someday” (Vinyl: 22). Nietzsche praised the actions of the individual and he encouraged people to stand up for themselves and not consider conforming in order to please others.

Nietzsche famously asked what does not kill you makes you stronger? There is a lot of truth to this statement. It is hard to overstate how important it is for any sales person to go through rejection early in their sales life. A salesperson who only sells when everything lines up perfectly does not develop the sales chops that are needed to be successful.

Section: Nietzsche quote: without music life would be a mistake.

What better way to talk about music than to quote someone who personifies the ultimate humanist philosopher: Friedrich Nietzsche. More than just a quote, this is a reminder. Music plays an integral role in our lives. It helps with overcoming ourselves, it signifies triumph and tragedy, it brings out our best qualities and diffuses all negativity out of us; it reflects the ebb and flow of life. Without music, life would be a mistake.

Takeaway: In making the conscious decision to "be yourself" philosophy is chosen

In conclusion, be yourself because it is ultimately a healthy decision and will yield you the most personal satisfaction. Being a true and worthwhile person is much better than being fake and pretending to be something that you're not. In the end it is better to have no friends at all than one or two fake friends. In this self-proclaimed present day popularity contest, which many of us so dearly participate in, people are more concerned with what other people think about them (if you ask them and if they're honest with you) than being true to themselves and their value systems.

Be confident, be yourself. Remember that there is nothing evil or bad about feeling attraction toward other men. In a world where most people follow other people’s philosophies, choosing to choose one’s own philosophy is quite revolutionary in and of itself. I hope you will think about this more, test it out, and see how it fits in with your life.

Be conscious of how you feel, and let your feelings guide you as you mature into an understanding of who you are and what is best for your life.

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