Bodycam Video Shows Takedown of Corrupt FBI Agent in Whitmer kidnap plot

3 years ago

This video serves to put the FBI on notice they have lost all credibility with the American public. This is the agent that sent a text to his informant that he wanted the kidnapping plot to escalate to a murder; morphing into a manufactured plot to frame members of the Ohio and Michigan militias.

J. Edgar Hoover is rolling in his grave about now. From Waco to Ruby Ridge, we've already seen too much bloodshed on the part of innocent civilians.

The tree of liberty shouts for justice over the blood of innocents, "No more free Wacos!"

This douchebag brutally assaulted his own wife, causing severe lacerations to her head while under the influence of alcohol. He needs to be tried and convicted and sentenced to 25 years to life for this heinous crime, along with all of the other scumbags in the FBI, past and present; but especially this sleazeball and Lon Horiuchi.

In 1997, Lon Horiuchi was charged with manslaughter for the death of Vicki Weaver at Ruby Ridge, but the charges were later dropped after the FBI cut a sweetheart deal with a corrupt Idaho judge.

Horiuchi is also linked with the mass murder of 76 men, women and children at Waco, Texas in April, 1993.

Horiuchi's whereabouts are a closely guarded secret, but he is the spokesman and presumed partner or co-owner of H-K Precision, a custom gunsmith in Rapid City, South Dakota located at 1301 Turbine Drive.

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