A Work You Won’t Believe! Happy New Year!

3 years ago

Larry opens up with a Table entitled "And All That Is Within Me".
The title happens to be the AXIS Term of the Table and is based
upon Michele's Study entitled, "A Work You Won’t Believe!'

Then Michele jumps off from that table and presents her study,
"A Work You Won’t Believe!"

YouTube Version: https://youtu.be/kr5bzvHICf4

Michele's PDF Notes: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jg81wnuru8yz19o/A%20Work%20You%20Won%E2%80%99t%20Believe%21.pdf?dl=0

Rumble Url: https://rumble.com/vrrnbg-a-work-you-wont-believe.html

Larry's Table:

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