there was a time in my life where i bid my existence on a substance (piano punk)

3 years ago

if only i had a self-driving car
ag is perplexed by other drivers (people are probably perplexed by mine as well, not to mention other things)
society is going extinct, totally fine w/ that idea
they didn't wanna be here anyway
pretty terrible but it is a way to live
substances at least did sumin fun tho
the phone gives you a sense of purpose, right
phones literally destroy everything but oh well
i don't even know if they'll be here either
i don't wanna be so negative but...
secrets about america/media
sumin else is always going on that they're not talking about
donald wasn't wrong about the deep state
everyone is in the motherfucking swamp
they can't accept that their country ain't what they were promised
getting back to the america that never existed
the world is the opposite of the truth
why do you think the victim mentality is so popular
welcome to the world bitch (therapists would be outta business)
ag telling society precisely what they don't wanna hear
say hi to my balloon
cool thing about ag...we will still give life to inanimate objects
siri has more of a personality than "people" on this planet
western civ is oblivious to their own demise
can't tell you what the wish was
what if God interpreted my 11:11 wish differently
very frustrating living in a television obsessed country
nature is such a beautiful thing, pathetic they choose technology
this is all voluntary (you can't just blame govt/puppets)
i will continue to beat this dead horse

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