Winnipeg covid dystopia solution: how a little-known law finesse can help business owners to combat the hysteria

3 years ago

Credit Instagram's @shaunjzimmer for this news broadcast. You should check him out: he pretty much single-handedly started the Winnipeg resistance and as a result has turned his residential property into an outdoor gymnasium training centre for the people of the Peg who, although they pay for the municipal facilities out of their hard-earned tax monies, are denied service there.

Shaun's news concerns the way out of this covid morass. It seems he spoke to the owner of a local eatery called @monstrosityburger, and the owner told him how he had rejected the city's authority over his business: he told the city that he would not order his staff to check the vaxpass, and invited the city to send their own staff down to his restaurant to verify his customers' vaxpasses. The owner dressed his letter up in a Notice of Liability (NoL) and served it on the city. He reports that he hasn't heard a peep from them since then, and the burgers are flying out the windows.

This method should generalize, at least in the Anglosphere. Any business owner can do the same and with more or less the same results.

Even assuming the city were to install barriers to entry (think subway turnstiles) adjacent at the entry to a business, and control the ingress of customers to it, the issue arises of who pays for the electricity to power the electronics (and its maintenance). Municipalities are not black holes, much as they may seem it. For one thing, the municipal staff must either be somehow repurposed or a novel administration needs to be sprouted.

Obviously, the logic breaks down where at least one vaxpass controller is needed to control every business. What about shift work at the 24 hour MacDonald's? Now we arrive at the Wychwood Barns incident [0], where the city staff interfered with the transaction between citizen and vegetable merchant. In that case I think the plan of attack is to strip away the worker pawns.

In this case, Monstrosity Burgers shows how to tame municipal bureaucrats. Their recipe is clear, unambiguous and foolproof.

Let's gooooooooooo!


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