an easy solution is pollution (piano punk)

3 years ago

it's been awhile since i've done this
wonder if there's sumin i haven't already said
fuck correct grammar
it's their world, i can't live in it cos i just get sick
why did you go back on the internet
most are living in an entirely different universe
as long as i'm here, this is what i have to do
a lotta people didn't listen to Jesus either
can't expect sheep/elite to be anything but sheep/elite
does america really not have a caste system
we pay for our freedom
maybe it's good we can't afford "healthcare"
they don't teach classes in public school/university on minimalism
going balistic...constant customer for them
the catch...gotta keep on buying
ask a former drug addict/alcoholic...we can tell you exactly what's comin next
they always want a quick fix, bandaids are for pussies
you're all about choice, right
i guess this is my new year song

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