The Given Banner of Our Colors

3 years ago

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Today is the first day of the year of 2022. Everyone is glad that the year 2021 is past. The ending of one year and going into the next is typically done so with reflection. Hope is always the one thing everyone has with expectation of something better than last year. But this is not like any other time in our history. Things are looking pretty bad.

We have all been witnessing the end of this nation. The pandemic is back and raging, and evil is exploding in ways no one has ever imagined. Fear is gripping all the people, and what is coming will pale in comparison from last year.

This morning I saw a lot of newly posted videos just put out for 2022. All of which were nothing more than click bait. People putting out videos on what the Lord "specially" told them what is coming in 2022, others saying, they have had an "exclusive word" regarding what Jesus told them will happen, and others regarding what "Satan is planning to do." There is a stampede of people who are trying to find out from tons of false prophecies what is already in the Bible, and what has been there all along.

Today I saw a verse in Psalm 60:4 that reads, "Thou hast given a banner unto them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth." God does not give banners to be hid away out of sight but to display. A banner is the sign of our allegiance to Jesus Christ. It shows what side we are in when in a fight. It shows the colors we wear.

When the devil tries to tempt you in the coming days, show your banners, show your colors. Hold them up high where he can see them well. Because what is coming is largely a spiritual fight. He will use all kinds of fearful things to destroy you and your faith in Jesus Christ. Then the devil will see behind us the mighty Conqueror who won Calvary, and flee from you.

There is another verse, "“He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love.” So we see here that as we display our Banner of His Truth here on eartth, then His Banner of Love will be upon us from heaven. It goes both ways. Have confidence in Jesus Christ, you belong to Him, and are not of this world. He loves you and has not brought you this far for nothing but to display His saving power in your life before this world.

"A voice said, "Climb." And he said, "How shall I climb? The mountains are so steep that I cannot climb." The voice said, "Climb or die." He said, "But how? I see no way up those steep ascents. This that is asked, is too hard for me." The voice said, "Climb, or perish, soul and body of thee, mind and spirit of thee. There is no second chance for any son of man. Climb or die." Then he remembered that he had read in the books of the bravest climbers on the hills of the earth that sometimes they were aware of the presence of a Companion on the mountains who was not one of the earthly party of climbers. And he remembered a word in the Book of heartened him, for it told him that he was created to walk in precarious places, not on the easy levels of life." -Amy Carmichael

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