3 years ago

Anyone telling you that you shouldn't have to build your own boat because of some historical slight against ancestors that only wanted the opportunity to build their own boat - is not your friend. What's even worse is that they move heaven and earth in their attempts to convince you that not only should you not have to build that boat, but a boat should be handed to you at the expense of others. The goal of these wolves in designer suits is to justify the stealing of resources from all to negotiate with the few to trade their right to build their own boat for the seemingly free boats ill gotten with pilfered treasures. Unfortunately it doesn't stop there - these free boats are purposefully manufactured with defects so that these ignorant souls remain dependent upon the wolf for repairs. And of course the cost of these repairs is always a little more of the liberty enjoyed by a group of people who have been conditioned to believe they deserve everything for free (as if anything is ever free - as I said these are ignorant souls). The wolf has lied to you about your past so that it can devour your future and in the present it only has to keep you confused, distracted, and pacified.


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