Cats Are Evil Biblically; Physically & Spiritually: They Move Evil Spirits Among The Enemies Of God.

3 years ago

God turned over the desert to the cats called Satyrs in the bible. Satyrs are depicted in history as either men or horses because of the female spirits in them that move men and their horses that move men to sin. When Babylon was destroyed the cats lived there. They have 9 lives or spirits of fallen angels in them that can never be redeemed. These spirits want to enter another host to become more powerful for the prince of the air to foil God's plan of redemption for men. These are the spirits of women who do not serve their role as angels of God to become the spiritual bodies of men who choose God in this life and enter into heaven through them. Satyrs are male-violent spirits of fallen women/angels who become demons. They represent a certain group of sins approved by a like host (approval of the same sins), and when demons are cast out through repentance or death of the host they are sent by God to the deserts of the world to keep them away from men.
God Sent them to inhabit the fallen city of Babylon so it would never be rebuilt. When Britain got the mandate for Palestine they imported Cats into the Old City Because it is a “desert of sin” spiritually of the three competing pagan religions Christianity, Rabbinical Judaism, and Mohammedanism...
Cats are the only animal on earth besides man that kills for fun.

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