Who is the Antichrist?

3 years ago

We will now identify Daniel’s and Revelation's "little horn" as the person of the anti-christ in this latest video of the Revelation Explained series. The anti-christ comes out of the beast that we learned about in the previous video - “What is the Beast of Revelation?” This beast is the satanic kingdom at the end of our age. It is a spiritual kingdom not of this earth, whereas the anti-christ is a man that will help expand the devil’s reign of evil in the last days.

Descriptions of the anti-christ from Daniel Chapter 7 and Revelation Chapter 13 parallel each other with these same identifiers –

He comes out of the great beast with 10 horns

He speaks complete blasphemy against God

He is allowed authority to war over the saints in the tribulation period

He is destroyed at the 2nd coming of Christ (Revelation 17:14)

Daniel 7 provides us with many details about the anti-christ that Christ does not repeat in Matthew 24. This is because Christ implies we are to read and understand Daniel. Verse 11 of Daniel 7 states -I looked then because of the sound of the great words that the horn [anti-christ] was speaking. Andas I looked, the beast was killed, and its body destroyed and given over to be burned with fire... 

The timing of the anti-christ is during the last days of this age. It is at the time of humanity’s last traditional government being abolished when the Prostitute system is destroyed (Revelation17:16). The anti-christ rises during this period to fully establish the devil’s governmental and religious system. The anti-christ is granted authority and allowed to conquer the saints for a short time (Revelation 13:7). This is the Great Tribulation Period.

Daniel 7:21-22 - AsI looked, this horn [anti-christ] made war with the saints and prevailed over them, until the Ancient of Days came [the 2nd advent], and judgment was given for the saints of the Most High, and the time came when the saints possessed the kingdom.

The events of Revelation 12:7-12 depict when the devil is granted to reveal his power publicly as the anti-christ.These passages are at the same time – Daniel 7:25~ Daniel 12:1 ~ Revelation 3:10~ Revelation 13:7

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