Assassination of RFK and CIA Project ARTICHOKE

2 years ago

Robert F Kennedy was assassinated by Thane Eugene Cesar, declares RFK Jr, who says it was the security guard who fatally shot his father from behind after planning the murder with Sirhan Sirhan

One of the driving forces behind the belief that there was a second gunman is the testimony of famed Los Angeles County Coroner Thomas Noguchi, who maintained from the start that Kennedy was shot from behind and at a closer range than witnesses say c got to the candidate. Bobby Kennedy told the Post this argument was persuasive to him, saying, “The people that were closest to [Sirhan], the people that disarmed him all said he never got near my father.”

The results of the 1968 test firing of Sirhan's gun were missing.
The test gun used for ballistics comparison and identification was destroyed.
Over 90% of the audio taped witness testimony was lost or destroyed. Of the 3470 interviews the LAPD conducted, only 301 were preserved.

She said that Kennedy would be taken care of that night, after his reception. She then said that they were being watched. Since Fahey mentioned that he needed to travel out to Oxnard later, she asked if she could join him. Fahey accepted and they drove off. But shortly after they hit the road, it became evident that they were being tailed. This seemed to genuinely upset her. When Fahey asked why they were being followed, she said it had to do with what was going to happen to RFK after his reception.

Once the pair got to Oxnard, Fahey decided to go on further to Ventura. But he noticed that there was now a different tail behind them. (p. 41) Fahey told Faura that she said some strange things that, at the time, he did not really comprehend. She mentioned getting a false passport to leave the country as soon as she could. She mentioned departing LA on a plane from Flying Tigers Airlines. She also said she had come to Los Angeles from New York City, where she had met a woman named Anna Chennault. Fahey thought she might be delusional, or inebriated.

When they arrived back at the Ambassador it was around 7 PM. She said she was staying at Olympic and Kenmore, which was nearby. Fahey commented that it was pretty clear that she knew her way about every nook and cranny of the hotel. When they got back, she went to the back of the hotel. Spooked, he did not want to be associated with her anymore. (p. 52)

After the assassination, Fahey understood what had happened. He went to the FBI, who interviewed him and said they would recall him. Fahey and Faura went over the route Fahey said he had driven with the girl. Fahey was very specific about where they stopped for lunch and where he got a flat tire. Faura then took him to the police. The reporter gave them a copy of the transcript. They also asked for the original tape to duplicate. Which, of course, Faura did not get back until 20 years later

“Thane Eugene Cesar died today in the Philippines. Compelling evidence suggests that Cesar murdered my father,” RFK Jr. wrote.

“On June 5, 1968, Cesar, an employee in a classified section of Lockheed’s Burbank facility, was moonlighting as a security guard at the Ambassador Hotel,” he continued. “He had landed the job about one week earlier. Cesar waited in the pantry as my father spoke in the ballroom, then grabbed my father by the elbow and guided him toward Sirhan.”

by Richard E. Sprague

It is the contention of the writer that this is exactly what has happened over a period of time following
World War II.

The methods used to fool the American people, certainly since 1963 and to some extent also since the end of World War I,
have varied slightly as administrations changed.

The main thrust however has been a constant erosion of civil rights, and a swing of government away from the best
interests of the people and toward big companies, banks, the military and rich individuals and families.

Chapter 6
The Assassination of Robert Kennedy
After the crime, the FBI, the CIA agent (Manny Pena), the District Attorney’s office (Evelle Younger
and Joseph Busch) and the Los Angeles Police Department (Ed Davis, Robert Houghton and others),
knowing the truth, all teamed up to suppress all other evidence except that which was aimed at framing Sirhan.

They pushed legislation through the California legislature to lock up the evidence.

They put Thomas Noguchi, the L.A. County Coroner who wouldn’t keep quiet about the autopsy evidence which proved conspiracy, in an insane asylum.

Sirhan Sirhan on the RFK assassination

Project ARTICHOKE, or the CIA Attempt to Create an Unwitting Assassin Through Hypnosis

Who Killed Bobby? author Shane O'Sullivan interviewed on the CW11 breakfast show, 2008

CIA planted two operatives within the Los Angeles Police Department who manipulated the investigation of Kennedy's killing. Robert Kennedy's killing seemed an open and shut case, yet in spite of 77 witnesses, it remains shrouded in mystery. Many witnesses at the time complained of pressure by the LAPD to change their testimony.

Who killed Bobby Kennedy? His son RFK Jr. doesn’t believe it was Sirhan Sirhan.

Kennedy met with Sirhan for three hours, he revealed to The Washington Post last week.
It was the culmination of months of research by Kennedy into the assassination, including
speaking with witnesses and reading the autopsy and police reports.

“I got to a place where I had to see Sirhan,” Kennedy said. He would not discuss the
specifics of their conversation. But when it was over, Kennedy had joined those who
believe there was a second gunman,
and that it was not Sirhan who killed his father.

The Origins of PERMINDEX
Clay Shaw, Roy Marcus Cohn

JFK, MLK, RFK, 50 Years of Suppressed History: New Evidence on Assassination of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Robert F. Kennedy.

~ClassWar ~AntiWar ~ BDS ~ Covid1984 @hatethemachine

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