New Year's Eve at the End of the World 2021

3 years ago

I am all out of eloquence. This world has exposed itself to be a mindless shithole determined to self-immolate in the most Satanic means possible.

The 'family' who chased me out of the home age 15 over 40 years ago with needles and straitjackets, has inflicted its hatred of God upon the entire world now, determined to reduce you to a puddle of meat rotting in the Sun, all while abusing you for not displaying the behavioural aesthetic associated with the spiritual philosophies they virulently despise.

The abuse has never ended, and my brother Ben Cassidy and his fat criminal wife Kim Menard continue to desperately cover up their looting of our father's finances, and to persist the unending violence he has reigned down upon his brothers our entire lives, hiding now as the cowardly, soulless monster he has always been, behind false law, faked tests, and endless lies and cynical manipulations of the laws that no longer protect them anymore, either, as they sacrifice themselves, their children and grandchildren to their Dark Lord, The Father of Lies.

This is it, folks. The Satanic vison worshipped by my government family has infested this Earth, and I have utterly failed to stop it, or even bring any productive attention or understanding to any of the lost, Godless sheep running eagerly to destroy themselves in the most horrible, painful, humiliating manner imaginable.

This world has collapsed into the miserable shithole it has been convinced that it is, and humanity is all but lost.

I do not WANT to be a #PureBlood !! WE WILL BE HUNTED AS A RESOURCE.

I am seeking other PureBloods to take a real stand against what is coming - heathens who have abandoned God have made their choice, we cannot help those who so hate the truth, their destruction is assured by Our Creator.

I stand against evil, and while their soul is between them and God, on this plane the die has been cast, and I will defend our #PureBloodCommunity against this Satanic madness, that humanity might truly survive in a meaningful way.


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