Boris is big Pharma's UK snake oil sales representative *see description*

3 years ago

Boris the snake oil salesman is stinking of desperation. People have woke up to his lies. There are 23.5 million unjabbed in England. Since September his stealth marxist government, the BBC and mainstream have been peddling the lie that only 5 million people are unvaccinated in England. England has a population of 56 million so 23.5 million is substantial. The UK population of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales as a whole stands at 68 million. The reason the rest of the UK was locked down over Christmas 2021 apart from England was because so many people are awake to his lies and refused to comply with this globalist conspiracy. What now Boris? Are you going to 'borrow' a deadlier variant of one of 'Fauci's gain of function' viruses to try to convince people that there's a pandemic rather than a plandemic in the UK?

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