New Year. What now? Resolutions? Not for me.. Budget? Count the cost?... OK. I can do this.

2 years ago

So what now?

I am open to suggestions.

The Pub is a delicate place.
I hold the keys kinda sorta... Hmm.. not really.. except for the vid posting and bouncer priveledges.

I gotta also attend the loos and the table settings. Space is always a challenge.

Perhaps this year you all may want to have a go at it?

We can trust most with the keys don't you think?

Just a thought. Maybe let some of you all control the content now and then?

What do I mean?
Well, let one of you have the admin permissions for a post or two, then give back the keys for the next one.

Radical or stupid?

I know the answer, just curious if Any would say me Stupid.

So, with a new year, I do wish to leave the Pub in your hands.
But, I wonder what content to put on the menu.

This past year has been a trial in my posting outside the Pub and getting some threats in return.

I do keep this away from your house.

Definitely nothing politically biased here.

However, I do wonder if it may be acceptable to address or introduce deeper topics here with a Unified people?

That kind of was my goal in the beginning.

To create a non biased place of Solutions to our critical issues of Humanity's Freedom.

Please advise what you think is best.

With this in mind, here is what I was sorta thinking about...

I really need to say this..
It is truly rewarding to get out of the car and sit with someone on the street and just talk.

It does seem scary to some, I understand.
Not for everyone.

But, I tell you from my heart, they are just people.

Heck, from my experience, I think they were angels serving Me!

But I know better.
People usually just responded well to basic human interaction.

(Yes, I do want to cuss here)
So frustrating sometimes to express myself.

Let's see🦧...
Pull over into a parking lot and start a conversation with a stranger (one whom you think has nothing to offer you😉)

This is where God's magic starts.

How did that rapper phrase it?
"Don't start nothing, won't be nothing"

If only he knew the truth of that...
And what the reverse is...

Start something...
You would if it was your well dressed, wealthy neighbor, eh?🤠🤠

Not an undesirable looking person at the freeway intersection with a cardboard sign.

I am playing too much with y'all.

I also do not want to entice anyone to do something either self serving nor unnatural.
There is danger if you do not feel naturally lead to do such things.

But ask yourselves, where do angels reside on this Earth?

Last Eve, my mother saw an older man with his head hung low at the freeway ramp.

She said he looks Miserable!

She gives out a lot of money, but money, although helpful for a moment, does nothing for long term.

I suggested we pray Instead!!
Just this once.
Yes, no money, that was a decision I must live with.

We prayed for him to have his immediate needs met, but much more...
That he would have a secure home to live out his life.

That is even more than I am guranteed.

Why do I say any of this?

Why do I persist?

I believe in God's care and Dignity toward Mankind.

Ours is not guaranteed, but we can help assure it for others through our prayers.

Perhaps someone will be praying for us..
Who knows..

We can see that animals are instinctively peaceful.
They Are! Some gotta eat.. I get that.

God bless you my beautiful friends.

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