Babylon the Great Erupts Like Vesuvius Over America, Is Doom Inevitable?

3 years ago

Babylon the Great Erupts Like Vesuvius Over America, Is Doom Inevitable?

USA Slipping Downhill Fast: It's time to admit the obvious – life in America is headed downhill fast, constantly gaining speed. It's so obvious the average person will no longer debate the point. Wild spikes in crime rates, rejection of gender, porous borders, and shocking jumps in inflation. But why? What's the cause? In fact, the ever-growing mountain of liberal failure now cascades down like a viscous cauldron of lava onto dumbed-down, open-mouthed and completely shocked Americans. But can we really be surprised? For instance, Did you ever ask yourself how many Godly positions America could repudiate and not ultimately be rejected as a nation?

‘Fallen, Fallen is Babylon the Great!’ – Rev. 18:2

Left Gathering Catastrophes: It's a litany of crises and a mind-numbing recital of disaster, welling up into a titanic catastrophe of idiocy. Led by home-bred communists, an inbred and illiterate suicide-pod of angry children blindly pantomiming Marxism. This intellectual virus only delivers failure and suffering. The entire Dem party follows their sainted, slack-jawed and insensate uber-zombie. Our reflexively self-righteous, yet inert leader, Joe Biden, operates by instinct off a barely functional reptilian-brainstem. But what precipitated our collapse? A failure of faith, as we all know. But America has been losing genuine faith for decades.

Satan's Hometown Cult: It's not enough to blame this insipid collapse on Covid, since this precipitous fall began long before. Creeping secularism slumped into a dismal grand policy and therefore, became our national anthem. Of course, it doesn't help that liberalism, Satan's own hometown religion, appeared to grease the skids into collapse. For the only thing worse than collapsing genuine faith is fake religion.

US Godlessness Doubles in 15 years! Americans have always understand there is a direct connection between a Gospel foundation and success. But success threatens a jaded spirit, leading to inexorable arrogance into quicksand inevitable decline, ending in soul death. We can't help but notice how quickly America lost its Christian edge. We now worship success, the erotic arts, and novelty itself. So it's no surprise that 30% of Americans claim no religion, the number increasing exponentially, up 6% recently, and double the amount from 2007. Is Babylon the Great around the corner? In fact, the Great Harlot is already comfortably nestled among us, her purulent uncleanness oozing out.

Steve Anderson writes:

The book of Revelation gives more attention to an entity called “Babylon the Great” than to any other single subject, with more than two chapters (17:1–19:5) dedicated to a discussion of this entity. As it is presented in this section, Babylon the Great is clearly the most significant player in the world of the end times. As such, its identification ought to be obvious to anyone living in the end times.

Babylon the Great: See Revelation 17:1-2:

“Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and talked with me, saying to me, ‘Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters, with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication.’” – Revelation 17:5, “And on her forehead a name was written: MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.”

Babylon: Who is the “Whore of Babylon”; What is “Mystery Babylon”? Revelation 17:3 says – “Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a desert. There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns.” See Revelation chapter 13:1, “And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on his horns, and on each head a blasphemous name.” Revelation's chapter 13 beast is thought the Antichrist, aka the “man of lawlessness” – (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4; Daniel 9:27). So, the whore of Babylon is closely tied to the end-times Antichrist.

So its the end of the age and our present resistance to Christ the ultimate danger sign. Ancient Babylon oozed paganism. 'Babylon the Great' is therefore the modern version, sum total of all God's foes. World system of anti-Christ. Think, for example, the United Nations, WHO, or the Chinese Information Department. So, are we closer to the end than the beginning?

Kim Riddlebarger describes Book of Revelation and Babylon:

Throughout the Book of Revelation, John has warned us about the beast, who wages war upon the saints. Empowered by the dragon, who is Satan, the beast is an apocalyptic symbol of the state, whenever it assumes rights and prerogatives which belong only to God. In John's day, the beast was the Roman empire, which viewed its emperors as deities who demanded worship so that people were granted the privilege of buying and selling. But John has also warned us of another threat besides that of the beast wielding the sword, and that is the glamour, wealth, seductive power of the city of man, which continually seeks to entice God's people away from the Savior and into the arms of another, depicted by John in the Book of Revelation as the great prostitute, Babylon the Great.

Babylon the Great is described by Kevin DeYoung:

In the book of Revelation, Babylon is a symbol of all that’s wrong in the world. It’s the system, the way things are in a sinful creation. Babylon is worldliness. If you study Revelation 17, you’ll notice three things about the prostitute Babylon. First, she is attractive. She has royal clothes, purple and scarlet. She glitters with gold and is decked out in pearls and precious stones. She’s got her best threads on, alluring and seductive.
Second, the influence of Babylon is pervasive. She sits on many waters, which are peoples, multitudes, nations, and languages (Rev. 17:15). Babylon the city literally sat on many waters (Ps. 137:1; Jer. 51:13), but water here is a metaphor for influence. Babylon is connected and powerful. She is not one kingdom in one place at one time but the pervasive worldliness that reigns in every country, every culture, and every government.
Third, Babylon is impressive. John says, in verse 6, “When I saw her, I marveled greatly.” He was astonished at her influence, her power, and her hold on the inhabitants of the earth. The ways of the world always seem more impressive than the way of a crucified Savior.
Peel writes, “In the Bible generally, and in Revelation in particular, Babylon represents the world against God — fallen, sinful humankind. So the fall of Babylon is a symbolic way of describing the end of the world.”

Love Grown Cold: As Matthew states, in 24:12-14 “Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” It's become clear that a culture war has erupted between those who worship the God of the Book and His innumerable foes. It's certainly useful to know that mankind, sans revelation, will commit an unlimited number of abominations. See Communist China & USSR. See, Cambridge World History of Violence.

Last Chance: Hopefully, America has at least one more shot at reform and revival before we utterly fall like Babylon of old. Prepare to challenge those you encounter as to what they believe and in whom they put their faith. This might be their only chance to accept the truth, given how badly our society is degrading. For, Christ wasn't tried and found wanting, but abandoned while wanting to be tried. Fiat Lux – Let there be light!!

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