#17: OKBOOSTER:SpaceTruckers,OrderOfTrapezoid,EvilDisney,FuelFlamesOfRidiculousw/Andreas Xirtus

3 years ago

Oh, tidings of comfort and joy baby! Merry holidays everyone and welcome to a Happy X-Mas-Xirtus episode of Divulgence with myself, Jordan Vezeau. I am joined by my friend, researcher, truth and justice seeker, and Tartaria’s King Pimp, Andreas Xirtus, who has recently survived the ‘vid’ for the second time (since attending ‘Party Zero’). We yap about Robert and Ghislaine Maxwell (and the trial; Andreas shares his worries that Ghislaine will walk!), Walt Disney and his tricky past (and symbolism with Disney in general), why cartoons suck now, MK-Ultra, Prince William being Banksy, Elon Musk becoming a social influencer, and the now undeniable regulation of human trafficking (and the undeniable Gestapo tactics we face today). While wearing my favourite hat, we also chat about space travel in the hyper-electric universe, remote viewing and multiple dimensions, Mars access points and stargates, space jumps and hyper portals, the underground realm concept, and multiple stacks of realities (WARNING: mind melting eminent)! If that is not suffice, we also talk about underwater super cities, the Order of the Trapezoid, Neuralink and the metaverse, and space truckers! As always, we also question the degree of involvement in all of it by the elites, deep state, celebrities, etc. With the new year coming in, we discuss our fate and that of humanity; Andreas shares his worries with America and the ‘new’ status quo. Andreas also shares with us his newly invented word! Enjoy the episode and have a safe holiday season filled with good people, good food, and the divulgence of good facts!

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