CloudMd is here to stay, Telehealth is not a pandemic play!

2 years ago

CloudMd with their powerful app, software technology is a growing Telehealth company, acquiring CloudPractice and establishing themselves as a power play for future growth!

Betweenplays StockMarket Entertainment Channel.

Our Motto: Research Prepare/Plan and Execute.
Minimize losses/MAXIMIZE GAINS.
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Betweenplays has been created for my children and there is no Pump and Dump plays on this channel nor will there be through our Webpage, FacebookPages, and Twitter account et al, we try to ensure quality plays, value stocks, overweight stocks, disruptive sector plays, dividend stocks, buying dips, momentum plays - we also play high risk but high growth stocks; this is where the importance of a well planned diversified portfolio takes hold and more —but we do not short, even if the potential is there, its our methodology— although not a financial institution but as a means of communicating through entertainment and educational purposes - to teach my children how I and others at Betweenplays evaluate the Stockmarket and invest therefore all my plays are plays I researched and believe in at the time of the video.

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Betweenplays is an entertainment channel and all information is intended as general guidance, all information is provided "as is", we are not financial advisors, always seek the advice of a financial advisor when getting into any investment or managing your portfolio. Due to the nature of the stockmarket and companies being going concerns, it is up to the viewers to keep up to date on their investments. Those representing betweenplays and betweenplays itself manages its own portfolio, we may be in some of the stocks we speak about and may not be, we may find a stock an investment opportunity one day but change into a company that better reflects our own portfolio and due to the fact companies evolve, we may enter and leave a stock depending on news, finances or other information. Do not make decisions based off our videos, weblog, Twitter, Facebook accounts or any other means of communication, we always ask that you do as our Motto states: Research Prepare/Plan and Execute based on your own research or that of a qualified professional financial advisor. Past achievements are not indicative of the future and real losses may be realized in any stock we entertain, do your Due Diligence, enjoy the show.

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