Remove nanoparticles, nano lipids, nanobots

3 years ago

This is how to create your own Anti Nano bucket for removing metals and garbage from your body. The theory is that there has been a 50 year effort, using various means by way of food, water, medicines, vaccines, areal spraying and even every day products like sun tan lotion and cremes to introduce various metal agents, nanobots, graphene oxide, graphene hidroxide, hydrogels, Quantum dots. These agents are listed in the actual covid vaccine patents with the help of our very own military (DARPA).The Nanobucket and an acidic environment creates a magnetic field that breaks up the metals and removes them from the body. There is also gene editing that reprograms male female chromosomes, explaining the recent transgender phenomenon. Is it reversible? I don’t know……..but I do know, having this garbage in your system makes you less closer to God and in less control of these 5G Satanic monsters. Sounds crazy? Start digging. Build a small scale nanobucket and see for yourself. Also see my other video which puts all the pieces together. "Vax" Crimes against Humanity. Forgive the harsh language but it’s best reflective of this salty Marine. Also, be sure to keep Iver or HCQ on hand because early treatment of COVID is the way to defeat this should you become symptomatic. Call my guy Abdul 205.810.0328. He will send you Iver for about $1 per pill. You only need one 12 mg pill per week to serve as an effective preventative. I have no financial interest with his pharmacy and one doesn’t need a prescription . Act on this information immediately, who knows how long it will be available to you.

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