Beware Those in Authority

2 years ago

Beware Those in Authority

God bless you and keep you dear Heartdwellers. Brother Leo's Rhema this morning was, "A Superior's only Goal should be the love of God and the sanctification of souls entrusted to His care, which can best be accomplished by being humble, agreeable, and exemplary."

Father Ezekiel was suffering today for our nation and for abuse against and within the clergy. Not only for those who are being persecuted from outside the church but for those who are abusing their power and persecuting one another from the inside.

The Lord began, "Children those of you in authority need to be very careful not to abuse the office that I have placed you in for the good of My Church, for as was given to you it can easily be taken from you and you will be brought down. The abuse is rampant in the Church, the infighting and darkness in your hearts, tears at My heart. People view you as my servants, but your actions reveal that you are serving Satan. Turn away from this wickedness and back to Me. If you continue in hurting and causing damage to those around you and tearing into one another, you will be brought low and you will be reduced to nothingness. Humility and love is what you should adopt, not to lord your position over those who I have placed under you and in your care. Pray dear ones for all wounds against vows and regulations within the Orders, for the sick and the dying, for all holy priests and laymen and for the strengthening of Faith.

"As all these souls are very precious to me, I will remove you if your actions continue to damage others or turn them away from Me, the unity of My Church and away from brotherly love."

We have read that Pope Benedict was forced to shut down an entire congregation of nuns who were being abused by priests. There has been overwhelming evidence of sexual abuse of nuns, children and young men by the clergy, and in some cases, nuns have become modern day slaves. The women are viewed as second class according to case studies. The nuns have denounced the culture of silence and secrecy that has prevented them from speaking out in the past.

This horror that has been going on for decades can be mitigated by our prayers dear Heart Dwellers. Please pray for an end to the abuse in the Church and that the abusers will turn away from wickedness and unrighteousness and back to the Lord. That forgiveness will prevail in the hearts of those that have been abused and brotherly love and great love of our Lord God will reign.

When we started the Rosary, Brother David saw an image of a demon in the clouds near the Commons where we were praying. During the Rosary it dissipated. Jesus continued, "The community continues to be under curses and heavy attack. Your prayers are working and your enemies are weakening the more you pray. Keep praying and soon they will not be able to stand against the uniting of your prayers.

When you pray as a group this facilitates and unites prayers spoken all around the world." And that was the end of His message.

God bless you dear Heart Dwellers and may God's merciful love turn hearts of stone into hearts of flesh.

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