No Agenda 1412: Oil Ball Panic - Adam Curry & John C. Dvorak

3 years ago
Executive Producers: Sir Onymous of Dogpatch and Lower Slobbovia, Patrick Remensperger, Blake Michigan, SIr Borislav Marinov, Sir Infinitus, The Chivalrous CRNA & Surgical Positioning Master of North Carolina, Sir Jon Helmer - Baron of Belle Fourche, John Grumling aka Sir ReadyKilowatt, Sir B of the New Republic of Flor'exas, Sir Cal and the gang of Lavender Blossoms (. org), Michael Brahy, Nick Ames, Sir Michaelanthony, Owen Marsh, Matthew Price, Dame Kendra Jo, Augustine Cost, Alex Van Der Hengst
Associate Executive Producers: Matthew Clark, Korey Getty, Lukas Teijema, Sir Karys, Viscount of Greater Boston, Jacob Warburton, Mike Bateman, Sir Rob from Bear, Michael Day, Dame Leesa K, Robert Rose, Viscount - Sir Christopher Kessler
Cover Artist: Dame Kenny-Ben

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