Little People Are Not My Wife's 'Type' | LOVE DON’T JUDGE

3 years ago

BEING half the height of his wife isn’t a problem for an Iowa man, despite his partner being asked if little people are her “type”. Taylor, who has dwarfism, and Mady have been together for three years, married for two, and say they couldn’t be happier. But the couple have dealt with their share of judgement due to their height difference and even family apprehension. Taylor said: “I get asked ‘why don’t you date someone your size?’ and I say ‘I’m going to date whoever I want to date. A person is a person’.” Mady said: “When we first started going out in public it was hard. It irks me that people choose to see what’s on the outside and not what’s on the inside.” At first, some of Mady's friends were wary about her dating Taylor, and her family were concerned about Taylor's life expectancy. But after educating them on dwarfism, Taylor was able to bring Mady’s family and friends around. He said: “It’s funny to think that Mady’s parents were not a big fan of me at the beginning. Now her mum loves me and we’re best friends.” Taylor, who works in a rock quarry, and Mady, who works as a teacher, are now hoping to have children and are fully aware that there is a 50% chance their children could be born with dwarfism. Taylor said: “When I was 23 I told myself I don’t want to have a kid and have them experience what I’ve experienced. Then I met Mady and I’m all for having kids now. I don’t care if it's a little person or not, we’ll raise it to have the same attitude I have.”
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