Serial killer Henry Lee Lucas in the documentary "Confessions of a Murderer" (2019) S01 E02.

3 years ago

Serial killer Henry Lee Lucas in the documentary "Confessions of a Murderer" (2019) S01 E02.
The case of serial killer and cannibal Henry Lee Lucas does not seem so remarkable at first glance: he was caught in two murders. However, later his story turned into one of the most discussed in America, because after a while Henry confessed to 400 murders and even helped the police find the bodies of the victims.

The film "Confession of a Murderer" tells the story of Henry, shedding light on previously unknown facts; for example, numerous confessions of crimes committed, which he gave in the course of working with the operational services of the whole country, are analyzed in detail here. At least 20 of these confessions are definitely false, since the murder cases that Lucas confessed to were subsequently reopened and the real killers were found during new investigations. In addition, the media exposed some of Lucas' testimony, which, being false and unsupported by evidence, was accepted by the police, as the police tried to close the unfinished investigations sooner. In 1998, Henry Lee Lucas was sentenced to death, after which Texas Governor George W. Bush commuted the death penalty to life imprisonment - all because of the pressure of the people who did not believe that Lucas had killed so many people. They were convinced that the police were manipulating an illegally convicted person. It is still impossible to say how many false confessions Lucas made.

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