Cats and Babies: Setting up for Success

3 years ago

It can be an exciting time: you're expecting a baby! But worrying about whether your first baby, the kitty you've spoiled and doted on, will accept your new human child can introduce stress to the situation. Some people may have even advised you to get rid of your cat to avoid any problems with the baby.

Here's what you need to know about cats and babies including why some people may advocate that you get rid of your cat when you're pregnant, what you can do instead, and how you can prepare for a great cat-kid relationship.
Many people who find out they're having a baby seek new homes for their cats or, even worse, send them outside or surrender them to a shelter. This isn't necessary in the huge majority of cases. Below are some of the reasons people consider getting rid of their cats when they are expecting a child and what you can do instead.

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HomeCats and Babies: Setting up for Success
Cats and Babies: Setting up for Success
You can have babies and cats in your home together safely.

It can be an exciting time: you're expecting a baby! But worrying about whether your first baby, the kitty you've spoiled and doted on, will accept your new human child can introduce stress to the situation. Some people may have even advised you to get rid of your cat to avoid any problems with the baby.

Here's what you need to know about cats and babies including why some people may advocate that you get rid of your cat when you're pregnant, what you can do instead, and how you can prepare for a great cat-kid relationship.

You Don't Have to Get Rid of Your Cat When You're Expecting a Child
Many people who find out they're having a baby seek new homes for their cats or, even worse, send them outside or surrender them to a shelter. This isn't necessary in the huge majority of cases. Below are some of the reasons people consider getting rid of their cats when they are expecting a child and what you can do instead.

The risk of toxoplasmosis, a parasite that is transferred from infected cats to people through fecal-oral transmission. A cat that is carrying toxoplasmosis can pass eggs in her stool, and if a pregnant woman ingests them, she can become infected. While the illness is usually not a concern for healthy people or cats, it is known to result in birth defects, miscarriage, and stillbirth of babies. However, there are ways for an expectant mom to protect herself and her child from becoming infected.

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