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Essay on Money | Money Essay for Students and Children in English
February 16, 2021 by Prasanna

Essay on Money: The concept of money was invented somewhere in 5000 B.C by a few traders in Western Europe. Ever since the invention, different countries have adopted it and started printing their own money with specific values, which was usually backed by gold. But before money was invented, trading used to happen with a system called a barter system, where you could buy one product or service with an exchange of another product.
This is basically a brief history of money.

For centuries, money has been, gradually, incorporated into every corner of our lives. Not to sound cliché, but the entire world runs on one simple thing called money. Thanks to those traders hundreds of years back, our lives now entirely revolve around the man-made concept of money.

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Long and Short Essay on Money in English for Children & Students
In this article, we provide a 600-word long essay on money for school children for projects and assignments. We also provide a 200-word short essay on money for school and college assignments and project work.

Long Essay on Money
A very informative 400 to 600-word long essay on money for school and college projects and assignments can be found below.

While not everything is about money, we will have to come at a point of realization where we simply cannot live without money. It’s a hard truth. But isn’t the world being too negative about money? No essay on money will make sense if it is just about history and facts. So let us see how money has impacted our lives. Just like every attribute in our society, money has two sides. The evil and the good.

What’s the Good Side of Money?
When we say our lives revolve around money and everyone is just chasing it, it is usually considered with a negative connotation. Not everything about money should be taken in a bad light. The whole concept of money and capitalism has given people livelihood, better standards of living and most importantly an equal platform for everyone to work hard and fulfill their dreams.

Trust and Convenience of Money
Money is one of the biggest and most valuable and trustworthy forms of trade in which businesses can thrive and consumers can be saved from fraud and cheating. One of the biggest plus points of money is the trust factor it carries with it. Imagine having to carry out the barter system even today, where, to get a kilo of rice, you need to give a kilo of wheat. Sounds funny, isn’t it?

Equality of Money
This is, surprisingly, one thing that can bring people from different walks of life to agree upon. Money can buy you a good standard of living, it can buy you respect and value in society. Every person, irrespective gender, race, ethnicity or creed will be provided with an equal level playing field to earn money and lead a better life

Motivation and Direction of Money
Imagine the world without money. We will eventually come to a point where we will be asking questions like “what’s the point of life”. Hope and goals are some of the important things that will keep a man going in life. Without any sense of achievement or motivation, there wouldn’t be any inventions or progress in the world. People work to get money and then people work harder to get more money. This cycle of life that keeps a man motivated and hopeful is one of the biggest advantages of the system of money

What is the Evil Side of Money?
Well, not everything is hunky-dory about our financial systems. It would only be fair to talk about the disadvantages of money also to have a well-informed essay on money.

Whether it is capitalism or socialism, democracy, or communism or where its India or China, our system of money in the world has many cracks and fault lines within it.

Broken system: If the concept of money in its pure form was used properly, there would have been equality on all scales and levels in the world. But, the reality is far from our imagination. The hierarchical system, in both capitalism or socialism, has created an immense amount of inequality and large gaps in income. It is true that more than 90% of the world’s wealth is in the hands of 2% of the population. If this is not a sign of a broken system, then we don’t know what is
Greed: We need to understand the difference between desire and greed. When the fine line between the two is made more visible, then maybe our world will start healing itself. We are not necessarily talking about individual greed for money, but we are talking about issues on a much larger scale. Businesses are solely running to make profits, the government is more concerned about saving the economy than their own people or the environment we live in. The greed for money is destroying our nature, creating an imbalance in the natural cycle of the world and led us into wars, famine, poverty and pandemics. india money problems solve

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