SIN NATURE OF MANKIND Part 1: The Origin of Sin

3 years ago

The origin of sin has been debated for centuries. Some believe sin began when Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit.

It is necessary to go back even further before the creation of humanity to the time when Lucifer was created. He was beautiful cherub that led the other angels in praise of God. There was no evil initially present, but the goodness in him was replaced with discontent, which led to anger and hate towards God, and Lucifer chose to make himself into an evil entity. The other angels that opted to join his rebellion also became spiritually corrupted.

People often blame God for creating evil or allowing it to exist but that is not the case at all. Being evil is a personal choice that everyone must make and God cannot be blamed for your decisions. If God did not snuff out the Devil, why would He behave differently with mankind?

Following the expulsion from the Garden of Eden, Cain became so angry that he killed his brother and the rest is history. So the next time this topic comes up, remember that Lucifer was the original sinner.
Sermon Outline

Part 1: The Origin of Sin
RLJ-1603 -- JUNE 11, 2017

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