Blender 3-31-20

3 years ago

Blender 3-31-20
Welcome back to Blender! Today we watched our lighthouse animations. After that we discussed our final projects which will be due on Friday, May 1st at 11:30 p.m.! In the future we will be holding class during the normal class meeting times using Zoom. Go to and sign up for a free account. I usually log on at 5:05 p.m. so log on early and get familiar with how Zoom works.

The link to enter the class is:

Join Zoom Meeting today at:

Final project (Due Friday, May 1st @ 11:30 p.m.)

Movie length 1440 frames
Resolution 480 x 720
Frames Per Second: 24
All meshes in scene should be originally yours
You must make something happen or move (including the camera)
You can import any image textures
You CAN follow an online tutorial to create your scene
.blend file should be packed and titled by your last name
Frames should include your last name and be numbered
Both .blend file and Zipped frame files should be submitted to the appropriate Assignments Folders

Today we demonstrated particle systems and learned how to apply force fields as well as making particles renderable in Eevee. We also introduced the Bevel tool (CTRL+B) in edit mode. We then introduced the Array Modifier in all three dimensions.

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