Do You Really KNOW or Just Think You KNOW? Mike Pence Dream- Repent Now or Be Left Behind 555 111

2 years ago

Dear friends, I had been eagerly planning to write to you about the salvation we all share. But now I find that I must write about something else, urging you to defend the faith that God has entrusted once for all time to his holy people. I say this because some ungodly people have wormed their way into your churches, saying that God’s marvelous grace allows us to live immoral lives. The condemnation of such people was recorded long ago, for they have denied our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.
Jude 1:3-4

Any day is the day of salvation for you. The rapture is pre-Tribulation and only the truly saved will be raptured. Please watch to hear the gospel and how to be saved.

My dream this morning (12/28/21) was about confronting Mike and Karen Pence in a restaurant, and she seemed convicted over their sin.

This is my Urgent Left Behind Letter: Hi. This is an urgent letter to help you know the truth about heaven and hell. You may not believe in hell, but God does since He created it just as He created you and every living thing on earth for all time. JESUS IS GOD, and He has always existed. The devil was created by God and knows about hell too. He wants to kill you and take you to hell with him. You may think that you are going to heaven, but God is holy, and He will not let sinners go to heaven unless they have been "born again." This Bible gives the answers for you to seek how to be "born again." Saying you are a Christian and living as a sinner will send you to hell! You must let JESUS make you a saint while you are still alive. God wants to give you a new life through faith in His Son, JESUS CHRIST, but you must do your part by reading His love letter to you, the Holy Bible. Many, many religious people including the Pope and pastors, use the Bible, but they twist the words just as Satan did to Adam and Eve in Genesis (yes, they were real people). For instance, Jesus said that to divorce and remarry is ongoing adultery and no fornicator (premarital sex) or adulterer goes to heaven. You must repent and go and sin no more. Ask God, the Father, to help you read the Bible with the Holy Spirit to find out about the absolute truth of JESUS CHRIST, the only one who can forgive your sins because as God who never sinned, He came to be born of a virgin, die on the cross your your sins and resurrected from the dead on the third day.
He knows every sin you have ever committed even in your youth, but your sins are not forgiven unless you confess and forsake them!! Please first read the gospel "tract" that I have included. Then read the book of Matthew chapters 5-7, 1 Corinthians 5-7, Galatians 5 and the last book- Revelation immediately. It's URGENT! Any day millions of true believers in Jesus will be disappearing with their clothes left behind. We were NOT abducted by aliens, and these aliens are demons to deceive you and make you go to hell. Read the Bible as fast as you can, and repent of your sins, so you can escape the seven year Tribulation described in Revelation. If you missed the rapture (disappearance), know the truth. The Pope or his successor is the false prophet and works for Satan, and a false peace with one world religion will be coming. Horrible things- judgments of God- are coming so REPENT. Confess to God your sins like lust/pornography, sex before marriage, stealing even when you were young, love of money, idolatry of loving anything or anyone more than God, jealousy, hatred, murder (abortion too), divorce and remarriage while your first spouse is still alive, lying even white lies, using God's name as a curse word (blasphemy), witchcraft/occult and sorcery for taking drugs or getting this evil vaccine- created to kill people. Turn completely from these sins and ask JESUS to heal your heart, mind and body. Obama is the Antichrist. He's really going to have Satan in him to control for seven years after the disappearance. Be ready to die for JESUS. There are 15K guillotines to behead you in Georgia. Do NOT take any more vaccines or let them put a chip, mark, QR code or quantum dot tattoo on your hand or forehead to buy or sell, or you are condemned to hell for eternity (the mark of the beast-666). Ask NOW to be born again in PRAYER. Then read the Bible daily for your life depends on it. Walking by the Spirit Always on YouTube and Rumble. LOVE JESUS more than anything.

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