How Do You Verify Age & Consent In Porn?

3 years ago

❌Porn is prostitution on camera.

❌Porn has been a tool to destabilize societies, destroy families, weaken nations and emasculate men.

❌Watching someone be coerced, extorted, victimized, strangled, spit on, tortured and beat is not "free speech". It’s abuse voyeurism. It’s an immoral, depraved addictive behavior.

"Oh but that’s not ALL porn!"

Ok…prove which porn is consensual and isn’t harmful. Prove the age of the "performers". If you think porn is ok, then you support sex work aka prostitution. The left is actively working to legalize sex work in America. Which sex workers are consenting? Which prostitutes are not prostitutes but actually victims of sex trafficking? How do you determine that?

❌Both porn and prostitution are toxic and harmful. Both exploit, abuse and traffick people. Both are wrong. We should stand against BOTH.

I believe in moral consistency and an unwavering moral foundation, not moral relativity.

The porn lobby and the demoralized will use the "free speech" angle to attack because they see it as our weak point. It’s a false precedent though because there isn’t one accurate definition of porn and if you can’t define it it’s difficult to put parameters on it (Just like art) because it’s subjective according to the viewers moral lense.

But porn is NOT art. Art doesn’t abuse, enslave and traffick people. And neither does free speech.

-Landon Starbuck

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