2 years ago

As a we start to connect the dots, we should begin to understand that the “total transformation” of America that started well over a century ago, is not only not inevitably circumstantial, it is very intentional with the end goal of destroying all religion…….Christianity in particular. Although very few politicians are willing to admit that they are not Christians, most only go through the trappings of being believers in the Church to get votes for re-election. And although there are some who might be true believers, they are very definitely in the minority and often willing to deny Christ as circumstances dictate.

Although the process of destroying rule of law and the underlying God's Law – Natural Law foundation took two centuries and an almost unlimited amount of deceit to accomplish, it is nearing it's finale……..accelerating at warp speed to a conclusion that was Biblically foretold several millennia ago. And, of course, the whole world looks to the United States of America as the last bastion of freedom and the most Christian nation on earth……….meaning that they look to us to save the whole of humanity.

Will we do the right thing? Will we finally show the will and the understanding to make God centered choices that matter? Will we return to the ideas that underpin the whole concept of freedom before we are forced to bear the wrath of God and the many tribulations foretold in the Bible? We have the choice, and we have the tools…..but do we have the will?

Are we nearing the end times and the fulfillment of Bible prophesy? Should we return to the lessons that make salvation possible and Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior?

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