Stuart Maman Bolton - Pfizer Adverse Reaction

3 years ago

Stuart Maman Bolton
Pfizer 3rd February 2021
Batch/Lot Number EL7834
Date of Vaccine: 3rd February 2021
Date of first Vaccine reaction: 5th February 2021
Aged 75 Years Old

A full outline of your reaction & symptoms: Heavy bleeding from the bowel. Dark red to black in colour . Persisting for 7 days . Severe pain in hands.

After 3 days of bleeding, I made an appointment to see local GP . GP unavailable saw a medical associate who took a blood sample and made an appointment for cancer screening at local hospital.

An account of any medical treatment that was offered: 7 days later I had a colonoscopy which turned out negative for cancer, one benign polyp was removed , This was followed up by a gastroscopy a week later also negative and several weeks after an ultrasound was performed with no visible issues.

The GP concluded that there was no correlation between my issue and the vaccine and put the whole affair down to an anomaly and had no wish to discuss the matter further. I found the attitude of my medical centre discomforting and unsatisfactory. GP's in the UK to date do not treat covid , do not acknowledge serious adverse effects to the vaccine, offer no advice such as Vitamin D3, Zinc, the value of Ivermectin , etc., thereby leaving their patients in a vacuum of unease despair and loss of faith.

I am sure there are good doctors out there but they are not speaking out and advocating treatments that are clearly available and are certainly not offering information to their patients to make an informed choice as to whether or not to take the jab! . Thousands of lives could have been saved had they been involved in treatment plans. Further there has been no mention or debate on the hundreds of thousands adverse effects that have been reported . The have been marginalised and completely ignored.

Stuart's Video explains his severe Adverse Reaction to Pfizer jab and subsequently several months later coming down with the disease and recovery. GP incompetence, political extremism and mainstream media together creating unnecessary fear. He says "This disease is beatable and treatable...people need to know this....and claim their human rights back from the corrupt forces currently prevailing".

Wales, United Kingdom

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