BLACK POPE -- JESUIT [mirrored]

3 years ago

BLACK POPE -- JESUIT [mirrored]
This Content Is Mirrored. Please support the original creator. All credit, royalties and sincere thanks to the original source of this video.
First published at 14:34 UTC on December 8th, 2021.
Rothschilds infiltrated the Vatican a long time ago.
Jesuits and Rothschilds are one and the same....SATANISTS
Everything you have been told is a LIE!!!
Dear friends in Christ. This is another mirrored video carefully researched in a series of important issues recently spurred on from the inaction and lack of leadership of our Catholic Bishops and Cardinals. In fact, I am greatly dishearten and appalled to the sunken level of complacency ignoring the truly important humanitarian crisis of child exploitation and the related global Covid-19 mandates and the human genocide event.

1) He is part of a military operation.
2) Globalists’ plan involved starting Covid once HRC won. When she didn’t, they waited until the last year of DJT’s term to roll it out for several reasons:
A) Cover for election fraud.
B) Start the depopulation.
C) Begin fear/control.
D) Not give him enough time to make a vaccine so they could present one that could be approved by the FDA and MANDATED FOR ALL.
3) DJT had to countermove… to get rid of Covid/Fear/Control, expose big pharma, and ensure a quick vaccine would have to be labeled experimental, NOT be mandated.
4) He had to weigh both options:
A) Tell America the vaccines are a big pharma / globalist plan to depopulate the world.
B) Endorse it.
A) If he warned, the media would mock him, call him a failure, hype Covid all the more, demand a real vaccine, and then he wouldn’t be able to expose election fraud, make thousands of arrests, expose the deep state plan, and turn things around naturally with the public waking up. He would have had to stop the election fraud before it could be seen, taken office for the second term, and forced his hand resulting in chaos and a certain civil with MSM stoking the flames and increasing public terror or let it play out for election fraud and a Biden takeover which would let the deep state to create an approved, MANDATED vaccine, killing millions more.
B) By endorsing it but placing truthful info in alternative news sites, the deep state’s vaccine HAD to remain experimental and not mandatory, which was NOT part of their plan.

If DJT can turn this around naturally, in the coming months or so, he can stop the momentum, have way less deaths, and get the vaccinated sheep to med beds.

In war, sometimes you have to choose between two bad options. Given the globalists’ strategy, DJT and the military chose the path with the fewest causalities, and that is to keep going with the façade of endorsing the toxic but NOT MANDATORY vaccine publicly. The alternative would have been FAR more deadly for all of us in so many ways.
Thank you and God bless, Marcum

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