Rhodesian Ridgebacks Lazy Version Of Extreme Wrestling

3 years ago

This is what Mister Brown has missed by not having a 'Mrs Brown', RR Ninja level wrestle play.
Though Tommy Girl's not quite 12 weeks old being a typical RR, she to love ninja wrestling even on stinking hot days and now that she's no longer a very little pup she happily pushes Mister to play hard, like Ridgies like it.
Now they don't play like this with their people or other dogs that can't handle it because it isn't aggression based but rather practicing the skills they needed to survive the wilds of Africa.
A dog losing it's cool & savaging any of the family (four footed or two), where hospitals where but a dream & wild beasts had to be driven away, was worse than useless.
I can watch RRs wrestle all day and when I do I understand why so many martial artists are Ridgeback owners; they appreciate watching the skills as well as the strength & agility of these delightful Ninja's of the dog world.

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