Vaginal Weightlifting Empowers Women - Not so bad for men either :)

3 years ago

Buy Vaginal Weights on Amazon ~ ~ Kim Anami is an instructor in a physical activity she calls "vaginal kung fu." As such, she travels around the world promoting the benefits that come when a woman lifts weights with her sex organ. @kimanami - "I would say that having a vaginal weight lifting practice gives me and anyone who practices it the best sex of their lives," Anami told Barcroft TV. There are health benefits beyond good sex, she said, including reduced incontinence, and preventing pelvic organ prolapse after childbirth. “The practice creates an overall lift in the body -- even a face lift," she said. "I have had clients stop using Botox because they took up vaginal weightlifting.”
Anami squeezes every single bit of publicity out of "vaginal kung fu" by posting Instagram photos of herself lifting various objects with the help of an egg-shaped piece of jade in her vagina just by contracting her muscles.
But while Anami is definitely a proselytizer for the benefits of strong female sex organs, she also admits with great power comes great responsibility.


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