January 2022 Psychic Reading & Predictions

3 years ago

Private readings: http://psychictai.yolasite.com

January 2022 Psychic Reading & Predictions
Light yellow, Feb - dark heavy red, brown, black, stuckness.
Towards end of month/beginning of Feb there could be heavy energy - clear up by first week Feb. Tight resources, blame, struggle, feeling gypped, reality crashing down, waking up to harsh reality - more groundedness etc.
Light swift, easy going, weight lifted.
Last month: heads spinning, FUD.
Last month: Biden riding waves of confusion unsure what to do.
Joe Biden taking orders from military - humble. Taking break from personal plans - flexible. Looking at countries far away, possibly sending troops but only as observers - non aggressive stabilizing actions. Slow chess game, non-intensive.
Bright "sunny" month - brightness illuminates self doubt, self imposed limitations, pain. Clearing month. Joy/ease stimulates awareness - past trauma.
Possible military ships in Pacific Ocean could raise concern, parked, deescalate in couple months. Not Russian, China?
Yellow energy over whole planet basking in sunshine. Breaking free of barriers/chains.
Africa: Yellow, green, twisted black energy = viscous snake energy. Possible clashes between groups gang group/terrorist. kidnapping?
Argentina: Blue, greenish yellow, People taking it easy, but shaky as if recovering from nervous shock- long term. Desperation energy from past but improvement energy for Jan. People look happier moving into March (I see smiles on peoples faces with a solid confident blue energy).
Ukraine: Batlle energy, faded blue. Sharp edge, but doing well. Good military performance. Fear, people leaving, but not anything radical. Only small ramping up of continuation situation. Future: Slowly loose ground to Russia, but holding strong despite. I don't see Russia taking over whole country though.
Russia: Green (darker), enthusiasm lowering. Putin losing steam but continuing autopilot plan - dreary/shaky hand playing chess. Citizens: Purple: partying in face of darker energies (mozart scene), cheerful drunkenness, underground joy escapism - seriousness = healthy+advisable. Renaissance under watch.
Last month: "Purple doing well and self contained, cruise control." No escalations, Biden no troops sent.
Australia Last month: potential violence halted, peaceful by end of month: unaware mask mandates, Australia will not reimpose mask mandates or lockdowns with 1/3rd of December left. Recent protests did not clash with police as earlier protests did.
Australia: Orange yellowish: Chilling, people taking it easier. Enjoy the simple things while you can.
US: light smoggy blue: not pure blue. Smog:contaminated, smoke and mirrors. Biden not happy, possible bad political news coming out. Economy jammed up. Pure blue: knowingness, people getting it, smoothness in transitions. Joy in changes. South east: dark energies possible thunderstorms, delivery transportation issues.
China: Blue, mostly quiet, neutral.
Japan: White with blue, possible rebelliousness, but people mostly happy. High social energy could benefit from grounding (trees/wood). Green: youthful freshness and more acceptance of younger generation. Older generation losing power. Spirits are dancing, but could use more mindfulness to anchor into body and ground to center of earth.
Joe Biden lots of speeches, trying to control narrative.
Good for: Letting go of old plans, healing trauma, being relieved of duty, injustice energy being relieved (in the works from last couple months), changing plans, changes to financial plans.
Bad for: Following the crowed, sending complaints, serious business matters not of a light heart, trying to be the wise guy, trying to do too many tricks, worrying about financial situations (don't worry about it), pressing the panic button.
Summary: Light hearted yellow energy healing, melting. Some may experience anxiety/uneasy (lightness too easy, unreal). Stretched to a new paradigm. Old paradigm outdated. Getting used to new world. Different social interactions.
Advice: Newness is coming - stay in comfort zone for now (mostly). Push yourself gently, treat yourself as a newborn baby in a new confusing world. Seek comfort.

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