The Dark Side of Martin Luther and the Anti-Judaizers

3 years ago

What I’m about to show you are shocking FACTS about Martin Luther.

Let me be clear: I condemn antisemitism and antinomianism and every form thereof. It is evil. And the earth should be eradicated of it. And every Christian is indebted to the Jewish people for bringing them the Holy Covenants of God, and the Holy Word of God. Indeed, Salvation is of the Jews.

Martin Luther spearheaded the Protestant reformation. He is the father of the Protestants. But most protestants do not see the full picture. Luther brought us the lawLESS doctrine of faith alone. But he also exposed the root of this lawLESS doctrine. It is a historical FACT – Antinomianism is inevitably tied to AntiSemetism. You cannot be Anti-Judaic without being Anti-Jew.

Way back in the 16th century Luther thought the Pope was THE Antichrist as he said, “I feel much freer now that I am certain the Pope is the Antichrist.” ~ Martin Luther. Obviously, the Pope way back then wasn’t THE AntiChrist. Luther was wrong yet again. Luther was full of error. He did not know the Truth. And his doctrine shows it.

Luther attempted to win Jews over to his lawLESS heretical doctrine. The Jews didn’t buy it, as they knew God said His Law is to be observed forever 2 Kings 17:37. The Jews KNEW the Word of God WAY better than Luther. That’s why they rejected him. Thus, Luther became more and more antisemitic.

As ALL other antisemites, Martin Luther hated the Judaizers as he said “next to the Devil you have no more bitter, more poisonous, more vehement an enemy than a real Jew who earnestly desires to be a Jew.”

Luther was constantly tormented by the Devil. He suffered from extreme mood swings, and deep depression, as the devil had a field day with him. Luther’s demons caused him to be anti-works, anti-law and antisemitic.

Martin Luther said that Christians should do these things to the Jews:

… burn their synagogues

… break into and destroy their houses

… take away their prayer books

… forbid their rabbis to teach

… abolish their escort and ban travel

… prohibit the usury

… force young Jewish girls and boys to work

Hitler didn’t come up with these ideas by himself. He greatly admired Martin Luther and his anti-Semitic views.

The Nazis themselves acknowledged Martin Luther as their spiritual leader.

Hitler simply took Martin Luther’s teaching and put it into action.

Luther wrote not just one, but THREE anti-Jewish books, the most famous of which is Of the Jews and their Lies.

In fact, the last sermon Luther preached was against the Jews.

But all this Antisemitism can be traced back to a few early church leaders who used the term, “Judaizer” to condemn pro-Jewish Christians.

Using the term “Judaizer” as a slur, in a derogatory way, is inherently anomian, and antisemitic. And that term is only used is this fashion by the scum of the earth.

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